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Survival Games



About us at Swiftcraft

Swiftcraft is a minecraft server created by "emore25" or other wise knowen as"Joe", the server has a 0 tolerence on buillies or griefers so if you're caught bulling or greifing you will be banned instantly, the staff we have are nice people and will help you when you need it so don't be scared to ask us questions we will be delighted to answer them!


How swiftcraft was created

Swiftcraft was made by 3 people, Joe , Adam and Kelvin, we started out by making small server ran off of Joe's laptop and then had an idea of making our server public so for about 1- 2 years we started building Swiftcraft from when it only had 3 people on it to 20 ! , we are so pleased on how swiftcraft became public and how everyone that comes on and enjoys us and respects everyone just on what we thought the server could be and has become of which we are proud of, so now we are wanting to expand more and give a server on which people can come on and just enjoy them selves, We do come across hater's and people who dont like it at all but we took what they hated and improved it to make it better for others.

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Help keep the server running by donating what you can, every donation is apretiated.

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Before i join ?

Before you join our server please read over the Ranks And Rules to get the idea of what you should behave like and what you progress in this server.


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